Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Socratic Method questions

  1. How do voiceovers and sirens help to present the issues in the exposition?
  2. What is the effect of the medical shots, showing close-ups of bodily functions and medical issues? How do they position the viewer to respond to the people and issues presented?
  3. What is the significance of the title "The Socratic Method". How does it fit with the issues explored in the episode?
  4. In the exposition, House remarks, "That all important human connection, I thought I'd give it a whirl." How does this invite the viewer to perceive his character?
  5. How is the character of House presented in the exposition?
  6. How does the episode invite viewers to question their assumptions about mental illness?
  7. What features or techniques of medical dramas are used in the show?
  8. How does the resolution of the episode restore the viewers faith in humanity and the medical profession?
  9. How does the episode question and redefine normality?
  10. How does the episode explore American values? You may like to consider family, hope, love, loyalty, rationality and truth.
  11. Does the episode present any medical or ethical dilemmas?
  12. Why does the episode also focus on an argument between a young girl and her mother about an ice-cream cake?

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